Loyal Campers & Families, 

We are in a unique position as a mobile camp in that much of our adventures depend on other businesses, but our middle name has always been “Flexibility!” We are working diligently with our partners and forming new ones to continue what we’ve always done; show your kids a great time while learning along the way! As mentioned before, we will be closely following CDC recommendations and our COVID accommodations will include:

  • Taking temperature upon arrival

  • Sanitizing the vans nightly

  • Sanitizing hands upon entering and exiting van

  • Masks required in vehicles upon parent request

We also trust that you will use precaution and not send kids to camp if they are showing any signs of illness or have been around anyone who has.  We truly believe that kids need camp; it is a safe place to take reasonable risks, embrace new friendships, and experience new adventures. We are honored to be a part of their journeys! See you this summer! 

Sincerely yours,

Brooke Alkire & Blake Pankonien

Camp 512 Directors